Sunday, February 3, 2008

Starting Out

Here's me at my baby showers 30 weeks pregnant! Believe it or not I kept growing for another month!

My beautiful newborns arrived November 4, 2007!
Joshua David Baker - 5lbs 7 oz. born at 9:20pm
Rachel Michelle Baker - 4lbs 4 oz. born at 9:21pm Their first nap at home together wearing two outfits, two blankets swaddled, two toboggans and the thick blanket on top trying to maintain body temp.

Terry feeding Joshua while he's suntanning. He loved being naked in that thing!

Little bitty Rachel ready to go home!

1 comment:

  1. ola
    super bueno tu blog
    ii esu po
    pasathe por mi blog
    si puedes plizz!!1

    ia po muii eskisitha la wawithaxx!
    ii esu po ia zhau zhau kuidathe
